Feb 04, 2007 19:30
ugh I've been working all day on AP outlines for bio. Sadly I only finished one outline in about an hour..not to bad... and the rest of the day has been spent just trying to find where the hell the next one starts...so in the end I might just have a bitch feast.
There is so much information in my AP Biology book and during lectures we go over so many topics and what not...all I want to know is what is the importance of all this information? My teacher explains to my peers and I that much of human develop and expansion has caused many of the biological problems that we all face today. So since most of the issues that will eventually destroy Human existance as we know it are caused by none other than humans, why are we researching and learning to change it, if all else we have tried has turned the status quo into an even deeper mess. At some point shouldn't we accept what is natural...(as I type on my mac...drinking brisk with chemically inhanced flavor). So what I get from the class is that war, illness and what not are all caused through over population and are natual to decrease the biological problems in the world...SO all the humanitarians in the world that advocate war is wrong,alleviate famine, and illness...who also advocate a natual green earth are just talking out of their asses? Since a green earth requires at times such inhuman things.
Although this may be the product of our abuse on the world but it is only biological to reproduce...so in part a natual biological and most important function as a living organism: to reproduce, is actually out demise.....damn that sucks.....
To finish off, please don't take me seriously....Like the scienctist, humanitarinans, scienctist/humanitarinans, I am only talking out of my ass