Challenge 21: Essays
Activity: Essay!
Deadline: Saturday, January 5 at 9pm EST// Sunday, January 6 at 1am UTC
Points: 60 points max (30 points per essay) + bonus points for icons or sigtags & comments
Summary: Write an essay on why you love a certain character. Give examples, give your reasons, etc. Your essay must be at least 450 words (and
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My other favorite ShondLand character is Mark Sloan. I was so upset and pissed off when Shonda decided to kill him in the season nine premiere. He was Callie's best friend and a good friend to Arizona as well as a brother to Derek. It was also heartbreaking for Sofia to lose her father so young.
Interestingly. I was not a huge fan of Mark at first. I guess it was because he was involved with characters such as Derek and Meredith, who I am not a fan of. I also didn't like Addison as much at first either. But, once Mark started interacting with Callie and having Addison grow on me, I started to like him. He can be a jerk sometimes, but he usually was very honest. He was very helpful to Callie in her many dilemmas. He helped her see that she was interested in women, making her go up to Erica. He also encouraged her to be honest with Arizona about going to Africa because he knew she loved her.
Two of my favorite relationships of Mark for me were Addison and Callie. He was hot with both of them. He also had good chemistry with them. I wish Addison had given him more of a chance, especially when I knew there was no chance for him and Callie to be together. I loved it when he and Addison had sex when he went to Los Angeles with Sloan. He should have stayed there with Addison.
Before Callie was with Arizona, I did hope for her and Mark to be a pair. He just seemed to get her and they became excellent friends. While Mark was always a good help to Callie, she was a good help to him as well. She was one of the few that he let know about his broken penis from Lexie. And she was there to help him with Sloan when she came to find him. Most notably, she made him stand up for his relationship with Lexie. He was all for keeping it a secret, until she called him out on it.
I like that he was a good dad to Sofia. The scene with him playing with her at the hospital daycare with Derek and Zola was one of my favorite scenes between them. It was also funny when Sofia rolled off the couch while he was changing her diaper and then he was worried about her being injured because she was too happy with him. I will miss their scenes.
Finally, it was always amusing to watch Mark torture the interns. My favorite example of this was with George and the wedding dress. Although it was George's second time being an intern, it still didn't stop Mark from plotting some humiliation for him. It was also after Callie let it out that George slept with Izzie, so George having to hold the wedding dress for the one bride for that contest was great revenge on him. That is why I love Mark Sloan.
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