Challenge 00: Pimping Like A Pimp
Activity: Pimping Like A Pimp
Deadline: End of phase
Points: 5 points for any pimp anywhere. 25 points max
Summary: Go find us new members!
I'm sooo sooo sorry it has taken so long to get things going. Online class tried to kill me but I figured things out :)
Okay! Right now we have 10 members.
You can pimp up to 5 places - your personal journal, your graphics/fic journal, other landcomms, other comms, twitter, tumblr, facebook, whatever you want. If you put a graphic on your profile page and link back to, that counts too. You get 5 points for every pimp, with a max of 25 points.
There is no time limit for this just do it before the end of the phase 3 months from now - January 6, 2013 (the day after my birthday. I expect presents)
To help, here is a pimping banner from last phase (if anyone has any others or wants to make any others, please let me know and we can add them):" src="" alt="" title="Hosted by" >
If anyone has any questions, please let me know! Otherwise, submit links to your team thread. You get 1 bonus point for using a team icon or a sigtag.
Now let's go get some fresh blood!