Challenge 000: Everybody Loves A Pimp

Jan 31, 2012 01:38


Activity: Everybody Loves A Pimp
Deadline: End of phase
Points: 5 points for any pimp anywhere. 25 points max
Summary: Go find us new members!

I know, I know. The dreaded pimping challenge :) Right now, team_enfuego and team_fabfive both have 10 members. team_mcdreamy has 7, so let's try to get them 3 more so we can all be on an even footing. Competition is good for everyone!

You can pimp up to 5 places - your personal journal, your graphics/fic journal, other landcomms, other comms, twitter, tumblr, facebook, whatever you want. If you put a graphic on your profile page and link back to shonda_land, that counts too. You get 5 points for every pimp, with a max of 25 points.

There is no time limit for this. You can do it now or in May though I obviously prefer you do it now!.

To help, here is a pimping banner from last phase (if anyone has any others or wants to make any others, please let me know and we can add them):" alt="" title="Hosted by" />

If anyone has any questions, please let me know! Otherwise, submit links to your team thread. You get 1 bonus point for using a team icon or a sigtag (unless you're the lucky winners of the resident/attending sigtags in the gift post. Also, there isn't going to be a sigtag/icon challenge, unless we get an influx of new people, so new members, you can make one for yourself, ask your teammates or use your intern sigtags).

Now let's go get some fresh blood!

challenge, *phase 4, !open challenges

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