Literally, I have das crud. I have cakes due Saturday and Sunday, and I'm wearing a medical mask and gloves as I work on them. Teh suk!!
However, what is NOT teh suk, is my weight! I am down to the lowest weight I've been to in over 8 years. And while I'm sick, it's not because of that (I just started this coughing and sore throat crap yesterday). I'm in the process of learning how to eat.
I know that sounds stupid, but I am.
I will break the 270's likely tomorrow or Saturday at this pace. I'm still going to the gym, and as a "reward" John started taking my gym membership as a household expense instead of me paying from my allowance!!! *happy dance!!!*
However, back to the suck part of the day, one of our closest friends lost his job today. Laid off. Fukking lovely. :-\
I told John the minute I found out, and it was almost as though it were one of us having been laid off (emotionally). Which I know sounds stupid, to have that kind of empathy, but did I mention they are some of our closest friends? Yeah.
John put out some feelers today as well, hopefully he'll be re-employed quickly!!
So technically teh suk won today, but I can't call it a victory because I'm that tickled about my weight.
On the up-side, he gets to sleep in tomorrow ;)
And me, I'll be making a blackjack table out of cake.
Hope you all are spared from this horrible crud!
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