My husband and I have unresolvable differences

Mar 01, 2021 12:18

If only I had known before I married him. :(

View poll: #25352

He insists that it's bad for the iron to oil it before it's completely dry because otherwise it traps water underneath the oil layer, but I can't see how that could possibly be worse than letting it RUST. My lot in life is to find rusting cast iron cookware lying about the kitchen on a semi-daily basis and oil it back to health, like the Sisyphus of skillets.

ETA: Tone is always hard on the internet, but I hope it comes through that this poll is flippant and I don't actually think it matters all that much. The thing I love best about cast iron is that it is literally INDESTRUCTIBLE and couldn't care less if you let it sit around and rust or oil it immediately, whether you use soap on it (his way) or no soap (my way, although I have slowly come around to the Way of Soap). QED: the fact that we've been doing this for 20 years and the cast iron is still exactly the same regardless of which of us is in charge of it. The point of the poll is that there is no point. All of that being said, oiling it is obviously the right way and I am glad so many of you agree that he is WRONG. This entry is also posted at with

polls, #25352he

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