Dear Chocolate Box Creator

Jan 06, 2020 22:29

Thank you so much for making something for me! I'm sure I'll love whatever you create. I've requested fanfiction for my assignment, but I would be very happy to receive art as a treat.

General likes: hurt/comfort (tropey or understated, both are good!), fluff, angst with a happy or at least hopeful ending, found family, curtainfic/domesticity, characters hanging out together (getting drinks, playing games, etc), casefic/action, presumed dead, missing scenes, futurefic, loyalty, antagonists to friends, bickering/banter, AUs, ultra tropey tropes (e.g. sex pollen, bodyswap, soulbonding, amnesia, bedsharing, etc)

DNWs: character death or terminal illness (death/illness fakeouts with happy endings or mention of canon ones are fine), incest, unrequested non-canon pairings (background canon pairings are fine), A/B/O, tragic or hopeless endings.

Individual fandoms - these are of variable length, but that's to do with how many ideas I have/how many different pairings I'm requesting. I would be absolutely delighted to receive any of these! Prompts are suggestions only, and if you have another idea, go for it. Also see my past letters for more ideas, or mix-and-match if an idea from one request looks like it would work well with another.

Defenders TV

Ward Meachum & Danny Rand
Ward Meachum & Danny Rand & Colleen Wing
Ward Meachum & Danny Rand & Joy Meachum
Ward Meachum/Misty Knight
Joy Meachum & Colleen Wing

I WEEP FOREVER at the lack of a season 3. I mostly just want friendship, hurt/comfort, reconciliation and bonding, between-seasons or post-canon or pre-canon - AUs are also fine. Background Danny/Colleen or other canon pairings are welcome in any gen scenario.

- I would love to see Ward and Colleen get a little closer. Maybe they get held hostage together, or have to work together to get Danny a birthday present, or she teaches him how to fight.
- Joy beginning to reconcile with Ward and/or Danny, post-canon, would make me happy.
- Between-seasons fic where the Danny-Ward-Colleen triad are still hesitantly feeling each other out and learning to be friends again would also be welcome, as would pre-series fic with Danny and the Meachums as kids.
- ROAD TRIP ROAD TRIP ROAD TRIP. Ward and Danny getting to know each other a little better, sharing tents/rooms, dealing with each other's nightmares, getting hurt and sacrificing for each other - or just Ward being forced to deal with More Supernatural Bullshit, fighting dragons, going to K'un Lun, helping Danny break a curse, etc. (I love grumpy Badass Normals having to deal with supernatural shenanigans and being very pissed about it. Misty is also excellent for this.)
- I'd also really be interested to see Joy and Colleen interacting with each other. They're both still in New York while the boys are overseas - maybe Joy contacts Colleen to find out what her brother is up to, or they just keep running into each other, or Joy needs Colleen's help with something supernatural?
- Time travel/time loops. Going back in time to stop someone's death. Danny accidentally ending up in Ward's fucked-up childhood. That kind of thing.
- Ward falls off the wagon again, or takes some kind of magic drug that has super weird side effects.
- Impromptu road trip + inadequate immunizations = malaria, y/y?
- Colleen gets a call from kidnappers who have gotten their hands on two expat billionaires and want a ransom. After she stops laughing, she's off on a rescue mission (perhaps with Misty in tow).
- Misty needs Ward and/or Danny's help with a case.
- Misty and Ward fake-dating would be fun all around.
- Danny or Colleen teaching Ward or Joy to spar/fight/meditate.

Frank Castle & David Lieberman
Frank Castle & David Lieberman & Sarah Lieberman
Frank Castle & Leo Lieberman

Frank and the Liebermans are my everything on this show! Though I also would be fine with other characters being included; I like everybody and I'm fine with Frank/Karen too. You can include characters/events from season 2 or ignore it; I'm good either way. I do tend to prefer to pretend that the S2 epilogue never happened.

- I'm always up for an AU - IN SPACE, post-apocalypse, high fantasy, urban fantasy, or "turn left at canon" AUs such as roleswapping Frank and David, or an AU in which Maria never died.
- Anything involving someone being kidnapped, rescued, imperiled, hurt and helped out by the others is totally my jam. I especially like scenarios in which all the characters get to be awesome and competent at the things they're good at (while maybe being completely out of their depth in other ways).
- Someone acquiring an accidental superpower might be really fun in this fandom. What can they do? Fly? Heal people? Turn invisible? Walk through walls?
- In general, I would really enjoy Frank having to deal with something supernatural or superhero-related, especially if the Liebermans are involved (or it's something that happened to him, specifically) so he can't just walk away. Maybe Leo buys a cursed artifact at a neighborhood garage sale and it starts doing weird things, or there are ghosts or dragons or whatever you want to throw at them.
- Frank teaching David, Sarah, or Leo some kind of combat-related skill, like using a gun or picking locks or basic self-defense moves.
- Or the inverse: David teaching Frank something computer-related, or some other David skill. David helping Frank with taxes. That kind of thing.
- David isn't available to take Leo to some kind of father-daughter school event, so Frank steps in.
- Anything with the Liebermans inviting Frank to a family event, a holiday, that kind of thing would make me really happy.
- I really love the contrast between the Liebermans in their suburban world and Frank with his issues and his dark past. Anything you'd like to write that deals with this contrast would make me happy, e.g. Frank working through some of his issues with his family's death through his friendship with David and Sarah, David having to face up to the amount of time he's spent in Frank's world and how it affects him/his family, etc.
- I really enjoy "5 things/5 things + 1" type of fic, e.g. "three holidays Frank missed and one he didn't", "four gifts the Liebermans gave Frank and one he gave them", etc.
- You could also go earlier in the show and give me some missing scenes with David and Frank in the bunker. Their accidental-roommates thing was one of my favorite things in season one.

Danny Rand & Jessica Jones & Luke Cage & Matt Murdock

*sob* I just want MORE of these adorable assholes annoying each other and fighting crime. You can include or ignore events of future seasons of their shows; it's fine with me if you set this in a nebulous post-Defenders-season-one future in which everyone's lives are going fine, but it's also perfectly fine if you want to deal with the fallout from their respective shows - I enjoy everything along the fluff-to-angst continuum as long as there's a hopeful ending. The fic does not need to feature them all equally, as long as nobody is completely left out. Also, feel free to include side characters from the other shows; I love everybody.

- Just have them fight some kind of completely ridiculous low-level villain (from the comics or original) and I would be delighted.
- Team-building exercises! (This is probably Danny's fault. But maybe not; maybe it's something Matt or Luke came up with.)
- Maybe they decide they need a team headquarters, because they can't keep meeting at someone's apartment.
- Any sort of quiet downtime hanging out would be lovely. Getting drinks, crashing in a puppy pile after they all get beat up, etc.
- Something really bad happens to one member of the group and everyone has to pull together to rescue or support them. Could be someone getting badly hurt or kidnapped, suffering severe trauma, or the kind of thing that could only happy to them, like getting accidentally hit with a supervillain machine that gives them brand new powers, turns them into a werewolf, phases them halfway into another dimension so they can't touch anything and can only hang around as a ghost, etc.

Frank McPike & Vinnie Terranova
Dan "Lifeguard" Burroughs & Frank McPike & Vinnie Terranova
Dan "Lifeguard" Burroughs & Frank McPike & Vinnie Terranova & Nona Pope
Dan "Lifeguard" Burroughs & Frank McPike & Carlotta Terranova & Vinnie Terranova
Frank McPike & Carlotta Terranova (Wiseguy TV)

I love the way that this show really leans into all the undercover tropes, and the slow burn friendship/bonding between Vinnie, Frank, and Lifeguard. Frank is my favorite; I love his world-weary cynicism combined with his deep-down decency, his sarcastic sense of humor, and all those times when his determination to stick to the law runs headlong into his basic decent nature and he has to make a choice. I also really love Lifeguard/Nona as a pairing, though I didn't specifically request them.

Some things I'd enjoy:

- I would absolutely adore aftermath of Frank's shooting in season three - immediate reunions post-coma, grumpy Frank recuperating, Vinnie taking him home to recover so Mama Terranova can feed him All The Foods, etc. I would also be happy if they stay in Seattle and Nona is around, or if she comes to New York with them. I just want healing, and talking, and all the comfort and recovery that canon so cruelly denied us.
- Missing scenes for any point in canon would be great. There's a lot of potential for between-times fic, recovery from various things that happened during the series (to Vinnie, to Frank, to someone else), Frank's POV on various things going down with Vinnie, etc.
- Just Frank and Vinnie (or Frank, Vinnie, and Lifeguard) hanging out between cases would also be fun. I loved those little bits we got of them in DC in meetings and so forth. Vinnie just hanging around in a leather jacket surrounded by suit-wearing Agency bureaucrats is great, especially accompanied by Frank's tolerantly amused attitude at it all.
- A new case! I would love to see them out in the field, at some point during canon, or post-canon. I really enjoyed those times in the show when Frank needed to get directly involved along with the field agents. That said, I also love his clandestine meetings with Vinnie in laundries and junkyards and dentist's offices.
- I also really love the trope where a character is completely doped up and someone else has to take care of them.
- I already got a wonderful fic like this in a previous exchange, but because there can always be more: I love cynical, grumpy characters being forced to deal with Magical Bullshit, and I know magical things like cursed paintings and werewolves don't exist in canon, but there's no reason why we can't have them in fic. Frank having to rescue Vinnie from some sort of magical peril while hating every second of it (or vice versa, for that matter) would be AWESOME. Maybe one of the mob rituals Vinnie is forced to go through is literally, magically binding, or he's given a knife that will force him to kill people a la the Jack-of-Smiles knife in the browser game Fallen London; maybe Frank finds out his new boss or co-worker at the FBI is actualfax possessed by a demon. Given the tone of canon, I'd be fine with a fairly dark tone here, though I would still prefer a happy or at least hopeful ending.
- I don't really have many requests specifically for Carlotta or Nona, but basically, feel free to include them in any of the above. I really enjoy the two sides of Vinnie's life colliding and his FBI friends meeting his mom. Having her get involved with a case would also be fun (though Vinnie would hate it, of course).

Agent Carter
Peggy Carter & Daniel Sousa & Jack Thompson
Peggy Carter/Daniel Sousa/Jack Thompson
Peggy Carter & Jack Thompson

Special DNW for this canon: No Endgame or Peggy/Steve as a main pairing in the canon universe, please. As part of Peggy's backstory or a side pairing in an AU, it's fine.

I love these three in any combination. For the gen relationship options, background Peggy/Daniel or other canon pairings are fine. I've been requesting these characters for several years now, so you can check out my previous letters for more ideas.

- Daniel finds out about the Okinawa incident. I can never get enough of this.
- AUs: urban fantasy, werewolves, bookstore, modern-day cops, teachers/university, high school, IN SPACE, etc ...
- Canon-based AUs are also great. What if Peggy became a private investigator instead of working for the SSR? What if Daniel got the serum instead of Steve?
- Going out for drinks, poker night, or other bonding activities are always delightful.
- Someone acquires an accidental superpower. (Healing? Shooting lightning from their fingertips? Wings?) What if the zero matter exposure in season two happened to one of these three, or they're exposed again?
- Rescue scenarios, lifesaving, and characters taking a bullet for each other or otherwise throwing themselves in the way of danger for the other(s) are all things I love.
- Getting patched up after a mission gone bad. All h/c scenarios are very welcome here.
- Sex pollen (does not have to end in actual sex; I actually really enjoy hurt/comforty sex pollen scenarios as well)
- Sparring or learning new fighting tricks.
- Future fic, anywhere between the 1940s and the present day - how do their lives go post-canon?
- A quiet evening at home or after work.
- Post-S2 recovery or aftermath for Jack.
- General casefic: investigating something weird, a character being kidnapped, something to do with the mysteries left over from S2, basically any/all weird SSR casefic is great!


Carol Danvers/Yon-Rogg

So basically I came out of the movie guiltily shipping these two like whoa, though I prefer to have it keep an edge - I don't want to either downplay the legitimately terrible things he did, or have him be The Actual Worst with no hope of redemption. I would be thrilled with a redemption arc, but also fine with enemies-to-lovers-and-back-to-enemies PWP, something set pre-canon when he's literally Stockholm Syndroming her, or something jagged-edged and ambiguous from the post-canon era. Some ideas:

- ALL THE TROPES. Sex pollen, she buys him in a slave market, bodyswap, devices that inflict pain ... I'm all over any of this.
- AU: what if Yon-Rogg does not kill Mar-Vell, but instead she defeats him and takes him hostage? Now Carol knows her mentor is an alien, and they have an alien prisoner - WHAT DO.
- Other AU options are also welcome: say, he captures her and takes her back to Hala at the end of the movie (but then there's all this time on a ship to talk).
- There are many opportunities for the two of them to run into each other post-canon. Maybe he's still with the Kree army, or he's disgraced and exiled, or maybe even working with some kind of resistance.
- Did Carol go back to the Kree homeworld after the Snap? Maybe they run into each other during the five-year timeskip, both working on their respective sides to rebuild after the Thanos-induced apocalypse. (You can also simply ignore IW/Endgame.)

Nakia & Everett Ross

I really enjoy the compare/contrast of these two both being essentially each other's opposite number in their countries' respective spy organizations, and I love the rapport they develop during the movie, mutually saving each other's lives and ending up kinda-sorta friends by the end. Background Nakia/T'Challa is loved and adored. Some scenarios I would enjoy:

- Undercover fic; I love characters going undercover, playing roles, pretending they don't know each other, and that kind of thing. Maybe there's some kind of joint US/Wakanda operation in which they have to pretend to be married and/or share a room? Maybe one of them has to rescue the other?
- They both survive the Snap and work together in the resulting apocalypse. (This is an exception to my death DNW, since we know the deaths will be eventually temporary.) I really love the idea of the two of them bonding over drinks in a shattered world, or something of that sort.
- Rescue! I'm all over any sort of rescue, hostage negotiations or the like, especially with the background awareness that they have to be loyal to their countries first, and any tentative friendship has to take a backseat to that.
- Or maybe just something kind of down-to-earth and quiet; perhaps they run into each other at a diplomatic function and have drinks, or he visits her in Wakanda or comes to her wedding or something like that.

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