Back to trying to do this, then! :D I bring you a couple of horrifying yet plausible Umbrella Academy fics:
the violence caused such silence by
ElasticEllaA laugh twisted into a sob breaks past her throat, as she tries, “I heard a rumor that you’re alive.” And just like that, he is.
And a follow-up:
i think i destroyed them all.
Not graphic horror, but very creepy/disturbing.
Also, I don't quite feel comfortable reccing individual works from
SSR Confidential since I'm the mod as well as a participant, but there are
26 new fanworks in the collection this year, and there's lots of great stuff - fic, art, vids, and loads of pairings! (Peggy/Dottie had an unusually strong showing this year, as did Peggy/Steve; there's also some good Peggy/Daniel and OT3 in there, as well as gen and rarepairs.)
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