oh no, it's cute

Apr 08, 2019 23:12

I tend to like having TV playing while I work on art/comics pages, usually either something I've seen before (rewatching superhero movies and old sci-fi TV is good for this) or something light and fun that won't require a lot of my attention.

Lately I've been watching a Canadian sitcom, Schitt's Creek, because a post about the show back during Yuletide intrigued me sufficiently to check it out. It can be incredibly cringey in that sitcom kind of way, and most of the characters are basically terrible people in that sitcom way, but then it'll do a sudden 180 swerve into FEELINGS and ... then the middle of season 4 happened to me. I'm a sucker for a good musical episode, okay? And the end of 4x09 is probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

Two youtube scenes under the cut. They ARE spoilery but I'm also not sure if this is a show that matters all that much if you're spoiled for. These are clips of key scenes from one of the show's main romances (an M/M one).

Admittedly I'm partly just putting these here because I want to be able to rewatch them whenever I want. I really like it when shows incorporate music into the plot in fun and creative ways, and this was so sweet.

I think all you need to know for context is that this first scene is part of these characters' getting-together relationship arc ...

image Click to view

... and the second scene, from a few episodes later, is their getting-back-together scene after David (dark-haired guy) was kind of a lot of a jerk. It also helps to know that David is really, really uptight, normally.

image Click to view

BTS side note: the actor who plays David, Daniel Levy, is gay IRL and is also one of the main showrunners (along with his dad, who plays his dad on the show). Which is probably why the gay romance on the show is as well-crafted and foregrounded as it is. It makes me think about how rarely you see an ensemble show like this with both het and queer romance in which the queer one(s) gets the same kind of foregrounding and detail as the het ones do.

This entry is also posted at https://sholio.dreamwidth.org/1226945.html with

tv:schitts creek, squee

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