December posting meme

Dec 05, 2016 14:45

Fandom stocking signups are still ongoing, 'til the 14th. Also, for the Peggy/Daniel shippers, there is PeggySous Advent, a story a day 'til Christmas (in theory, anyway). I have a story in the collection, but it hasn't released yet.

sgamadison is doing a post-every-day thing in December with a twist - she gives prompts (such as self-reccing a fic or sharing a piece of feedback) and people answer them; you can find this at her Heart of Winter tag.

I have decided to have another go at that December posting thing. When I've done this in the past, I have reliably failed to answer the questions. So THIS time, I'm going to do an actual schedule, try doing it for a week and see if that works. (And yes, one of the days is today. Because I have ALSO learned that I need to jump on things when I'm excited about them, as opposed to waiting, which is usually a terrible idea and leads to procrastination central.)

December 5: What first got you into Forever Knight fandom? (ride_4ever)
December 6: Pick a fandom and tell me what got you so excited about it. (leesa_perrie)
December 7: Tell me about your design aesthetic. If you got to build and decorate your own house, what would it be like? (
December 8: Harrison Wells and the multiverse! (
December 9: H/C trope that you've had a couple goes at, but can't seem to get it to come off the way you want it to. (
December 10: Where would Agent Carter have gone if they'd gotten a season 3? (sgamadison)
December 11: The one story of your heart that you would desperately like to read in AC fandom. (sheron)
[despite cutting off at 1 week, people gave me a few other topics as well; not entirely sure how to add them to the schedule. stay tuned.]

So, guys, pick a day and prompt me with a topic/question you want me to write about, until the schedule fills up. Ask me about shows, characters, fic, non-fandom stuff, whatever. If I actually manage to do this for a week, then I'll see about maybe doing it for the rest of the month as well.

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december posting meme

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