It's the most wonderful time of the year ...

Dec 01, 2016 20:05

Fandom stocking signup time! (What, were you expecting something else? XD)

Signups and instructions are here! I am currently finalizing my signup; this year I'm not going to wait until the last minute, dangit.

Oh by the way, I forgot to say this earlier, but thank you so much to everyone who left me comments on the love meme. ♥ Not having done this before, I'm not sure if there is an etiquette to it (do you answer them? politely ignore them like one is supposed to do with book reviews?) but they made my day brighter; thank you so much. ♥ ♥ ♥

In other news, today I was invited to a creative writing class on campus to talk to undergrads about my romance self-publishing adventures. They also had another local author who is a trad-published fantasy writer, so basically we had an hour-long mini-panel in which we talked about traditional vs. self-publishing and the students asked us questions. Their questions were excellent, and they were interested and curious, and the other panelist was very courteous about taking turns switching back and forth on taking questions with me and not talking over me (actually, if anything, I had to be careful not to talk over the top of him). All in all, it was a great experience, and the instructor is having us and a couple of other local authors come back to do the same for her graduate students in the spring.

And then I had Thai food and watched more of the Flash with ellenmillion, and was gifted a painting by a 4-year-old who very politely signed it for me. She also "helped" me brush the snow off my car, which was really more like I was brushing the snow off the car with her (literally; she was sort of like a wiggly snow brush extension) but a good time was had by all, at least judging from the giggling.

With the snow coming down like crazy outside, and December having inexplicably arrived, I'm starting to feel some holiday feels, a little bit? I need to put up some decorations around here.

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