ETA: Between here and tumblr, I think I have enough for now; I'll go ahead and fill the remaining ones over the next few days. Thank you! I'm sure I'll do this again soon. :D
The masterlist (updated as I finish things)
Peggy with young Tony and a Jarvis or twoPeggy&Howard&Jarvis in an awkward situation (
also on Tumblr)
Michael Carter was turned into a werewolf (
also on Tumblr)
Ana Jarvis takes fighting lessons from Peggy (also on LJ:
comment part 1 /
comment part 2)
Angie shows up at the L.A manor and meets all of Peggy's weirdo friends there (
also on AO3)
Daniel finds that watching Peggy get hurt never gets easierFollow-up to Pistol Packin' Mama with the OT3 (
also on AO3)
Jack helping Peggy and Daniel with house hunting (posted to my non-fanfic blog;
reblogged to sholiofic here)
Howard missing Steve (
also on Tumblr)
Angie and Peggy's girl's night out (
also on Tumblr)
Michael Carter meets Peggy's friends and new boyfriendHalloween in the Carter-Sousa household Jarvis and Daniel h/c (
also on tumblr)
Suburbanite Peggy doing background checks on the neighborsJack, Peggy and Daniel go fishingPeggy brings a knife to a gun fightPeggy and Jack take care of Daniel (
also on tumblr)
Not for a specific prompt but included here for completeness:
Sad ficlet about the 1940s characters' deaths (not included in the
SSR Files compilation on AO3 because I didn't want to smack people with sudden deathfic)
Paranormal high school AU snippets (also not in the AO3 compilation since it's a collaborative Tumblr thing)
Peggy, Jarvis, and avocadosPeggy and Daniel's first date with dead bodies (Jack POV) My houseguests are gone, so I have time for a commentfic spree! Who cares about network TV execs; we'll make our own fun around here. Leave me an Agent Carter prompt and I will write at least 100 words of fic for it. (
Here are examples from the last time I did this.)
Taking prompts for any character or gen character combination; any canon pairing; or any pairing combination of Carter/Sousa/Thompson (OT3 4evah). You can send me prompts for other pairings, but results are even less guaranteed than usual. (Or you might get a gen version instead.)
The usual caveat: I am not always good at follow-through, so I may not get to your prompt; if I don't, it's me, not you! I might also ask you to leave me a different one if I don't think I can do anything with the prompt you gave me. I'll close the post to new prompts when I have enough that I start to feel like I'm reaching prompt saturation.
You can also send me your prompt as a tumblr ask. I will also be posting fills to
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