I really should be writing .... or answering comments on my recent fic (thank you!) ... but I'm sick and my brain is full of fog, so instead I'll do a meme, seen at
anodyneer and a bunch of other journals recently.
Give me a number and I will give you an answer!
1. Of the fic you’ve written, of which are you most proud?
2. Favorite tense
3. Favorite POV
4. What are some themes you love writing about?
5. What inspires you to write?
6. Thoughts on critique
7. Create a character on the spot... NOW!
8. Is there a character you love writing for the most? The least? Why?
9. A passage from a WIP
10. What are your strengths in writing?
11. What are your weaknesses in writing?
12. Anything else that you want to know... (otherwise known as Fill in the Blank)
If you are specifically curious about fanfic or original fic (or want me to answer for a particular fandom), let me know; otherwise I'll just answer for either/both/whatever I have a specific answer for. It's often different.
This entry is also posted at
http://sholio.dreamwidth.org/940312.html with