This season is over and there may or may not be a season six (*snif*) ...
... but
collarcorner is still around! I know regulars to my journal already know about it, but there are also a few new people coming around lately, so:
collarcorner is a gen prompt community, with new posts every month.
Here is the current month's post, where prompts for fic, vid, art, etc. are welcome. I've just been added as one of the co-mods over there, and I'm going to try to be more active over there in the upcoming year (and do my best to bring some of you over there with me, too!).
You do not need an LJ account to participate at
collarcorner. Anonymous comment posting is open, and fills can be posted at AO3,, as comments (anon or otherwise), or anywhere else. Also, you do not need to fill in order to prompt. Most of the current prompts are related to the current season, but they don't have to be! If you have been craving a particular trope or plotline, feel free to go leave a prompt, and maybe someone will fill it for you! The only requirement is that it needs to be gen (background canon pairings okay -
see the rules).
Another comm where I'd love to see more activity is
whitecollar_rec. I'm going to try to start posting recs over there regularly -- so if you aren't watching it, now would be a good time to join! :) Also, most people tend to rec new fics (which is always great, of course!) but recs for older fics/vids/art/etc would also be lovely. There are so many fics from past seasons that have quietly faded into obscurity, but are still very enjoyable to read. If there is nothing recent that makes you jump up and down to rec it, you are encouraged to go through your bookmarks and favorites to find an old beloved fic to rec!
And finally, I kinda got busy and neglected the
Diana Squeefest. (Bad
sholio.) I will try to do a roundup of fills soon. The fest is not closed, so if you'd like to post some prompts or fill some of the existing prompts, go for it!
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