Just in case you don't need the next 2 days of your life

Dec 01, 2013 00:06

I recently got hooked on the webcomic Bad Machinery. There is a LOT of it (it updates 5 days a week and the archives go back to 2009, plus there's a previous strip, Scary Go Round, going back to 2002). If you aren't dead-set on reading in linear order, I recommend going back to the start of the current storyline and reading that first -- I kinda did this by accident, but it's not terribly spoilery for past events and I found it more fast-paced and engaging than starting from the actual beginning, which is a lot more slow-moving and throws a ton of characters at you.

Bad Machinery is about the adventures of a group of teens/preteens in fictional Tackleford, England, solving mysteries which frequently end up involving ghosts, time travel, aliens, and other weirdness. It's sort of like Nancy Drew on crack. I think one of the things I love most about it is that the kids are such kids, complete with extremely poor decision-making skills and an utter inability to understand how the adult world actually operates (although they think they do). At the same time they're smart and resourceful, just in a very 12-year-old kind of way. It's weird, hilarious, and adorable in a "wow, CHILDHOOD" sort of way.

Brief content warning: there are occasional flinchy bits, particularly an unpleasant storyline in which an overweight and unpopular D&D-playing girl nerd becomes viciously jealous of a thin, blonde protagonist to the point of trying to kill her. The kids are also uniformly cis and heterosexual, which is kind of noticeable since there's eventually quite a large group of named kids and adults (several dozen of them) and, seriously, all of them? (On the other hand, one of the girls is openly uninterested in boys or dating -- this strip made me even more a fan of her weirdo little self than I was already.)

... all of that said, it's a cute comic with tons of female characters and a focus on friendship and solving (absolutely ridiculous) mysteries together. And the characters are very easy to love in all their flawed glory.

(On a completely other note, I made my fake-NaNo word-count goals! *\o/* It's on about a dozen different projects and I haven't really FINISHED much of anything, but yay word counts.)

This entry is also posted at http://sholio.dreamwidth.org/926770.html with

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