... scraped together from my reading over the last week or two.
I just read this today while I ate dinner:
The Dinosaur and the Dragon Lady. This isn't fanfic, but a free online novella, and it's really wonderful -- given the title and the fact that I'm reccing this to a bunch of sci-fi nerds *g*, I should point out that there are neither dinosaurs nor dragons in evidence, but it's a very sweet love story that started out like any rom-com ever made (staid, set-in-his-ways widower meets flamboyant, free-spirited, beautiful downstairs neighbor ... *snore*) and then went a direction I was totally not expecting it to go. And the characters are lovely. It made me cry, and I don't cry at fiction very often (though I seem to say that every time I do, and I seem to say it a lot, so maybe it's not as true as I think it is ...).
Heteronormativity, Gender Construction, and Nonverbal Signalling in Intercultural Communication: A Comedy by
mad_maudlin (PG-13; Mensa-verse; John/Teyla, Rod/Katie, and a pairing involving Keller that I'm not going to spoil because it's too, too funny if you, like Keller in the story, don't see it coming -- but it doesn't involve any universe's Rodney, FYI) - This story was hilarious and sweet and just all the way around awesome. John/Teyla isn't a pairing I normally go for, but I really went for it as depicted here (which, actually, made me figure out a lot of why it doesn't work for me normally), and
mad_maudlin has done a really wonderful job of incorporating all of the major and minor characters to offer a look at the Mensa AU Atlantis that is complex and believable (and funny).
Those Who Favor Fire by
anna_bird is a long, plotty, kinda creepy post-EatG story featuring Teyla and Keller. It manages to be both an action-type story and a complicated relationship story, with both women struggling to work out problems in their personal lives and with each other. Really neat; it doesn't offer any tidy endings, but rather, it's complicated and messy like real life is complicated and messy. Only, you know, with aliens. (Warning for death of a very minor character from the show.)