#075. [Drabble Series] I Got You (Chapter 8)

Sep 13, 2015 20:25

Yooooo~~~ YK is back~ XDD

As usual, I will give you my update for my drabble series! ^^ (and I was late again ><)

Please enjoy~ :D

[God, what should I do?]

Title : I Got You (Chapter 8)
Pairing : Yama, Ohmiya (Friendship), Sakuraiba, Matsumiya
Genre : AU, School Life, Fluff, Romance, Angst
Rating : PG-13
Disclaimer : I wish I can have them all...!!! Nah~ They belong to Johnnys, I just own the story T^T
a. n : it's un-betaed and my mother language is not English so please forgive me for some grammar mistakes here and there ^^;

Chapter 1|| Chapter 2|| Chapter 3|| Chapter 4|| Chapter 5|| Chapter 6|| Chapter 7

7 years later...

"Baby, have you seen my necktie? I can't find it at my bedroom," Sho said loudly from his bedroom. Today was his first day working as a newscaster and he couldn't be late at his important day. He waited for some minutes but no answer came out from his beloved one. He peeked out from his bedroom and looked at the living room but he saw no one. He frowned,

"Baby? Dear?"

He tried to call again but still no answer from the other. Suddenly he heard someone humming a song from his kitchen. He went to the kitchen and a small smile bloomed at his face when he saw a figure was humming a song while cooked his breakfast. He walked slowly to surprise the latter from behind, then he wrapped his arm around the slim waist in front of him. The latter was surprised and almost dropped an egg he was holding.

"Uwaaaa~ Sho-chan!! You scared me!!!"

Sho giggled and unplugged an earphone the person was wearing with one of his hand, "I've called you many times, you know." He faked a pout, "I've told you, haven't I? Don't set the volume too high. You won't hear if someone call you,"

The latter turned around at Sho smiled sheepishly at his boyfriend, "Teehee... You know I like Nino's newest song that much, don't you? That's why I keep repeating it with high volume and..."

"Okay! okay! I got it! You've told me that since yesterday. Do you love Nino's song more than your boyfriend here? I need your attention too..." Sho whined childishly.

"You silly! Don't act like a kid and go finish your coffee. I've prepared it at the table. I will make an omelet for you and bring it there with your necktie. Now, release me so I can finish my cooking,"

"Don't wanna..." Sho pouted.

"Sho-chan, what-"

"I want my goodmorning kiss! Right.Now!"

The latter chuckled but still kissed Sho at his cheek, "Satisfy? Now go!"

Sho grinned happily and pecked his lover's lips, "I love you, Masaki" then he went to the dining room with happy smile in his face.


The day after Ohno left, Sho was like a zombie. He didn't talk to anyone and always spaced out. His grade at the class went down and he stopped playing football. Thankfully, Aiba, Nino and Jun were there to help him to stand firm until they graduated from high school. Slowly, Sho could forget his sadness and decided to continue his study at Keio University for 4 years. Aiba decided to study veterinary and started working at a zoo after he graduated, Nino got promoted as a singer from his uncle who owns a famous agency in Japan, and Jun helped his father running an Italian restaurant at Tokyo.

5 years after losing Ohno, Sho finally decided to open his heart for Aiba. He knew deep down inside his heart he still loved Ohno but he also knew that Aiba was always there for him and cared for him. Every morning, Aiba came to Sho's apartment and took care of him.


"Sho-chaaan~ hurry up!! You will be late on your first day!!" Aiba shouted at the front door of Sho's apartment.

"Comiiiiing~" Sho ran from his bedroom to the front door. He saw his boyfriend pouted while folded his arms in front of his chest. He grinned, "Sorry... I almost forgot my cellphone,"

"Don't forget to call me as soon as you get there, okay!"

Sho smiled at his boyfriend, "Yes, my love" he pecked his lover's lips. He grinned when he saw Aiba's cheek blushed like a red tomato, "I got my lucky charm~" he said and winked playfully.

"Silly!" Aiba mumbled but his cheek was redder than before.


Weeks later, it was a night before Sho and Aiba's 2nd anniversary. Sho was in his way back from his work when he suddenly remembered that tomorrow was a special day for him and Aiba. He took his phone from his bag and texted a LINE message for Aiba, but when he was going to write the message his phone vibrated. It's a LINE message from Aiba

How was the meeting??
Have you eat your dinner??
 I called you three times but you didn't answer (T_T)

Sho chuckled while reading the message and immediately texted a reply.

The meeting was good and finally I got a new newsprogram (^^)v
I had my dinner just now.
Sorry my phone is still on silent mode so I didn't hear your calls.
 Forgive me, baby~ ^3^ *kisses you a lot*

Not long after, he got a reply from Aiba.

Uwaaa~ omedetou Sho-chan~!!! \(^o^)/
Can't wait to watch it on TV!!
I will record it for sure!! XD
Your phone is still on silent mode??
I hate you!!
I hate you!!!
I hate yooooouuu~!!
 I was worried, you know... (>,<) *pouts*

Sho giggled while reading the messages and immediately replied

I'm sorry, Masaki!! ><
Please... don't hate me~!! (T_T)

When Sho was going to write a new sentence, suddenly his phone vibrated for a call. The caller ID showed Nino's name.

"Hey, Nino! What's up?"

There was no answer from the other side but Sho was sure he heard Nino's sniffing, "Nino? Nino, are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Sho-chan..." Nino finally said with trembling voice. Sho became panic.

"Nino, are you okay?? Please tell me what happened??"

"Sho-chan... h-he... is... back..." Nino choked at his words and started to cry.

"Nino, what-"

"He is back, Sho-chan! Our Oh-chan is back!!"

Sho widened his eyes at the mention of Ohno, "Sa-satoshi?! B-but... H-how do you know, Nino?"

"His mother just called. She said that Oh-chan and her will come to Tokyo tomorrow," then Nino was silent for a moment before he spoke again, "Ne, Sho-chan? Let's welcome them at the airport then make a surprise party for him!" Nino sounded happier than before.

Sho really wanted to say yes. He wanted to see Ohno again. No one could understand how much he missed Ohno even after 7 years. But, before Sho had a chance to answer Nino, there was a LINE message from Aiba.

Okay! I will forgive you but in one condition!
I want a special date tomorrow! (>,<)

God, what should I do?

-to be continued-

Fyuuuhhh~ finally I still have time to post it around this week!! XD
Hope I can post the next chapter on next Thursday ^^

As always comments will be loved~ <333

Ciao ciao

Mod YK

♣ by : mod yk, ♥ sakurai sho, ♠ fanfic

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