bryan mentioned something about this the other day:
the soundtrack to your life.
twenty songs.
1. you've got to hide your love away- the beatles
2. amanda- don williams
3. let's get crazy- prince
4. monkees theme- monkees
5. i think we're alone now- tiffany (danced in talent show with michelle engle and god knows who else.)
6. patience- guns n' roses
7. handel's oboe sonata in a
7.5 something off led zeppelin 4
8. i would for you- jane's addiction (the whole clayton aguilar era)
9. alive- pearl jam (ryan)
10. king of pain- the police (kenny toops)
11. pat metheny suite (marching band)
12. that house song with the miles davis sample (matt would know)
13. winter- tori amos
14. loud love- soundgarden (ryan, aaron patton)
15. bad religion- against the grain (JASON AKSEL)
16. fuck and run- liz phair
17. saint saens oboe concerto or scherezade
18. scarlet begonias- grateful dead
19. kaya- bob marley
20. dare i say- bran van 3000
(so there was one extra. so what? some of mine were classical so whatever).