
Nov 03, 2015 12:16

This is some hope that soon I will have a new job. I do not leave my current one out of malice or anger, but a better opportunity has appeared and it would be folly to ignore it. I like my current job, I like the people I work with. I will miss it a little because there is some comfort in familiarity and fear in the unknown.

To be honest, my reasons for leaving are simple and reside mostly against the management of our entire contract. A lack of constructive involvement from higher ups, zero incentive to excel, and the rewarding of less than adequate work is prevalent in this company. Despite promises of quarterly reviews and the "Potential" for raises - no review has been done in over a year, and the only way to get a raise is to quit.

In my department we have, myself included, five employees with advanced degrees (Bachelor or better) and we are relegated to the least technical job duties in the company. Meanwhile fresh high school graduates are put into positions directly servicing Directors and VPs of the company and forced to send a near endless stream of emails requesting help in how to fix problems that shouldn't be.

The boon of my position is that we are also in the most lucrative department for the company and as such we're given the responsibility to not mess anything up. We're not paid poorly for the complexity of our work, nor are we paid well enough for the liability of our work. It's a sad position to be in, one made worse when the management seems intent to make you feel expendable at all times.

I would love to stay, but there's simply no reason. There's no improvement potential, there's no where else in the company to go, and when a better option presents itself - there's no reason I should deny it to stay. It is a bad position that many companies put people in every day; if you spend every day looking for something else, then you're not helping anyone - least of all, yourself.

truth, life, psychology, general content, philosophy, short story

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