Feb 26, 2008 00:51
Recently, I've begun to notice that my RSS feed for Psychology Today (which I added for fun, and to feel less guilty about not taking more active interest in my chosen field) is eerily accurate in following my life.
When I was feeling down and confused a couple of weeks ago, the posts were about depression and anxiety.
Around Valentine's day, it started showing me articles about "moving on" and how more women are choosing to be single now.
Last week during hectic midterms and work, it showed me links about the negative effects of stress.
This week, when I'm sleeping every night at 4am, it starts coming up with stuff about "the rewards of shut-eye" and whatnot.
*update: people have been noticing that I've been losing a bit of weight lately (*coughstresscough* ..+ healthy lifestyle choices), and the RSS is now full of weight-loss stories.
Well, at least I thought that was kind of freaky. I'm not terribly superstitious, but it's been too spot-on lately. What will happen in weeks to come, I wonder? : O
Oh, oh! quick news:
---> My precious cat, Mia, gave birth to four kittens a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, they're newborn and still kind of ugly right now.