someone is turning 31...

Jan 23, 2013 12:12

I can't believe I've survived a whole week with little to no sleep... it was hectic, but kinda fun... I was on my nerdy mood and went to work with my old black rim glasses (contact lenses couldn't stick on my tired, puffy eyes ^^;) and almost no make up,
but it was funny that my colleagues said glasses suited me.

I used to hate glasses so much, but not anymore now, and will probably wear glasses to work occasionally, just like Jun!! <3

anyway, Sho's birthday is coming soon and I've been planning to translate a loooong interview he gave for Nikkei Entertainment, but still can't find the time, obviously...

When I said long, it's really long, like 4000 (Japanese) characters maybe, so I doubt if I can finish it by his birthday, it's only 2 days to go...

and I'm itching to write the next chapter of my series, I wish there was a tool that can extract the words from my brain and type it down... muri ka na...

dewa dewa...

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

sho, rl, via ljapp

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