May 22, 2006 14:47
so my bf and i were in the car together, going to the mall in monroeville to get a dress for his cousins wedding. Fortuntely he was there with me that day, otherwise i wouldnt have pulled through like i did. (seeing my best friend in the entire world hardly calls me anymore, or just doesnt care about me anymore, *crying*) as I was saying we were going over he bridge when this asshole in front of us pulls into the next lane at 40 mph(speed limit) at the last minute, and we were stuck slamming on the brakes for the person in front of us was at a dead stop! we stopped in enough time, but since the person behind us was going faster than he should and was too close he hit my car! i was pinned in the middle. To say the least, the police found him at fault. He was a 23 yr old foreign exchange student from Singapore with a rental car from Enterprise. -_-;; He tried to blame it on me, but my bf got out of the car, and made it known it was entirely his fault. talk about rotten luck... so now my insurance company and enterprise's re getting estimates for my car around $8,025. my bf and his step-dad said it's better to jsut get a new car at this rate considering my car will never be the same. *sigh* my poor baby is all-in-all dead... thanks to a punk kid who cant drive worth shit! my mom says if anything we're taking it back over to Mentor Honda to get a new one... cause she doesnt feel safe with me driving the old one. so im thinking about the silver honda civic coupe...its a beauty...but i doubt it'll be the same like my baby. im trying to look on the upside of all these situations that are happening to me, but i still cant get the accident out of my head. I would feel so much better, if he* were around again. but i think my best bud is mad at me, considering he hasnt called me since the last time i saw him. I wish I could see him again... he always makes me feel better. Too bad cause I dont think he wants to see me... I hope hes not hurt... cause I would die if anything happened to him(or my other best friends Jess & Pat). I pray he calls me, and that i can see him again... hes so dear to me.