omg its a one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater

Apr 19, 2009 14:10

*blows away the inch-thick dust covering this lj*

heyhey long time no updates 8D

was just wibbling around the house getting bored outta my mind today after our first paper finished, and then suddenly out of the blue this inner conversation occured :

"hey, why not update lj?"

"hmm doesnt so bad, what do i put in tho?"

"mmm good question"

"how about emo about your schedule for this exam period?"

"mm emo yet informative, i laik"

"lets jom then 8D"
 ^ true story, seems my mind's a ménage à trois nowadays. ohwell, without further ado here's my schedule from now til my hols which is around mid-may :3

19 April  :  English Critical Thinking for Academic Purposes Paper <---- aaaand we're off!
20 April :  Final Design Project Summary E-submission
21 April  :  Ethnic Relations Paper
23 April  :  Structural Mechanics Paper
24 April  :  Land Surveying Paper
25 April  :  Malaysian University English Test (MUET) Paper

26 April  :  Alara Reborn Prerelease Tournament
28 April  :  Building Construction Paper
30 April :  Architectural History 1000 Word Assignment Submission
02 May   :  Architectural Science Paper

04 May  :  Final Design Project Submission  <--- laik omg more than 2 days of nothing happening!!!!! spoke too soon =.=
06 May   :  MUET Speaking Paper   <----  yay! its not after final review!
08 May   :  Architectural History Paper
09 May   :  Spirits of Music 3rd Day Tour

11 May  :  Internal Design Review
12-14 May :  Tripping!
XX May  :  External Design Review <--- doh forgot abt this, pls dont let it be during those 3 days, tho normally not even half of the class are present for it anyways
 so as you can see, packed schedule is sardine-tin packed hahaha. expect me to die by the end of this thing bweeee. aaaaand with that i hand the mic over to those dustbunnies in the dark and not properly lit corner.

oops. forgot the emo. *emoemoemoemoemoemeomoemoemo* ahhh thats better.



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