
Aug 17, 2008 03:23

of no waking up early in the morning yay XD doesnt mean i can just sit back and relax tho, as much as i want to T__T. here's a to-do list just so i can remember (starting with assignments but followed with things i wanna do XD):

1. brainstorm + build a few nature inspired 3d time line models made up of only planes and lines for Design
2. design a "square nightclub" for Design Drawing (+ask kemoo to bring me to one for "research" ? :P)
3. research Peranakan houses in Melaka for final Design Drawing assignment (also find out how to get permission to enter these houses to measure everything)
4. research "way of living in ancient China" for History folio
5. research "flora & fauna of different climates" for Architectural Science presentation

6. get going on minamimoto's cosplay (must at least finish the planning / buying by this week, schedule's just gonna get worse as the semester comes to an end ><)
7. catch up on my Magic: the Gathering lore (half of morningtide + entire shadowmoor anthology & eventide)
8. yum cha!
9. movies!
10. wow / ffta2 / subaseka if i have the time

in other news sorry lab for not coming, just didnt want to suddenly kacau without rsvp-ing. hope it was a hepi burfday XD


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