[trans] 2010.04.07 Minhwan's Oricon blog

Apr 20, 2010 21:53

Since it's been a daily habit to post our boys' pics at the forum,I totally forgot to check Minhwan's blog for update
I just happen to stumble upon it since I'm hunting for more pics
. And at last, he has updated last April 7

み なさ ん??

How are you?

party party 楽しかったですか?
Party party did you have fun?

ぼくたちも たのしかったです??
We also have fun??

最近 みんな 日本語 がんばっって います。
Recently, everyone is doing their best in Nihongo.

ホンギ お兄さんが ほんき です。くくく
Honggi oniisan is Hongki. kukuku*

そ して、ぼくたちの ピチが 美容院へ いってきました。
And our Pichi visited the salon.

かわ いい???
kawaii?? (cute??)

でも けがない。
Demo keganai**
However, it has no fur.

Well, see you next time!!!

Honggi is Hongki hehehe funny... ga is a particle but can also mean "selfish"... so it can also mean...?? aegyo~ Minhwan

Minhwan wrote keganai but kega means injury, so he must meant kegawanai meaning no fur.

edit:  thanks to ~Akane~ for the clarifications... her inputs are really helpful :)
毛がない (ke ga nai) meaning no fur. Both 毛 and 毛皮 mean fur. The word "kega" means injury, but in his sentence the "ga" is a particle, so he didn't make a mistake.
I think is a pun on ホンギ and 本気 rather than being related to the particle. Actually, the particle in this sentence should be は instead of が, hehe, he made a grammar error ;^^

Is the cat cute without the fur? T_T scary

Please feel free to correct any mistranslation as I'm still stuck in  Elementary 1 Nihongo

에프티 아일랜드, f.t. island, minhwan, 최민환

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