Oct 23, 2006 10:58
Everybody please pick 5 words/phrases you like the best. Do it! Everybody! It's essential to my November-Sanity! Cookies for all after, promise <3
Thanks & stay tuned for the next poll :D
A - Zombies [10]
B - Telephone call [4]
C - Heroin [3]
D - Mexico [7]
E - Kidnap [5]
F - Boring [2]
G - Mafia [2]
H - Fuck [10]
I - Coffee [5]
J - Accounting [3]
K - Wedding [3]
L - Army [4]
M - Cooking [1]
N - Nervous [3]
O - Ghost [1]
P - Nazi [2]
Q - Children [3]
R - Train [3]
S - Immortality [6]
T - Bookworm [3]
U - Slut [4]
V - Control [5]
W - Insomnia [6]
X - Lust [5]
Y - Coconut [2]
Z - Seductive [4]