Yeah, whatever the hell this is, I need it to live. SHIN DONGYUP AND SUNGMIN AND MY PWECIOUS BITCHY GUITARIST* (who has inexplicably dyed his hair back to black I guess in some attempt to court maturity)? MORE PEOPLE IN GENERAL FAILING HILARIOUSLY AT ROCK AND ROLL? YESSSSS PLEAAAASE.
So I just put two pounds of pork loin in my crock pot with BBQ sauce and some onions and I am hoping for the best. WILL PULLED PORK EMERGE FROM THIS EXPERIMENT? Let's hope.
It turns out there's a Lush at our mall here. An actual Lush. Some of you are getting awesome birthday gifts when I've got money again.
Seriously, his tiny high pitched howl of miserable frustration at about 1:55 in. MY HEART.