The original ghost-busting kid

Jun 18, 2009 23:46

With the recent 25th anniversary of Ghostbusters and the release of the Ghostbusters video game, everyone seems to be talking about how they were the top Ghostbuster kid growing up.

I've stayed silent LONG ENOUGH!

I shall now give you TWO pieces of evidence that will, beyond a doubt, conclude that I was the original ghost-busting kid!


Halloween '89, 6-years-old.

Yeah, that's a ghostbusters jump-suit.

Yeah, that's a ghostbusters proton pack, WITH connected neutrino wand.

Yeah, that's a ghostbusters ghost-trap WITH working pedal activation.

Yeah, those are Ray's ecto-goggles.


Yeah, that's even a PKE meter around my right side.

Those are just the toy props that COULD FIT ON ME AT ONE TIME. I do believe Dave Bisson could vouch for the other wear-able toys I had, such as the slim pack.

"Oh, Paul," you say, "We ALL had those awesome toys! They were so easy to make our parents get us in 1989!"



Yeah, that's 1986. I was THREE years old there!

The cartoon show had only aired a few episodes. The toys hadn't come out yet.

Yeah, that's a backpack with an egg carton taped to it, BUT I WAS PRETTY SURE IT WAS A PROTON PACK!

Yeah, that's a big puffy gray snow suit the ghostbusters logo somehow stuck on the front, BUT I WAS PRETTY SURE IT WAS A GENUINE GHOSTBUSTERS JUMPSUIT!

There you go, gentlemen.

Proof-solid that I was busting ghosts before ANY of you.



Note: Thank you to my mom for going through her scrap-book archive and finding these pictures for me. Also, thanks for buying me every freakin' ghostbusters toy EVER! You probably could have bought a yacht or happiness with that money, but you chose to buy me awesome toys that, like computers, would become pointless and obsolete when better ghostbuster toys would come out 6 months later. You had to have done something right parenting when you could spoil me all those toys, yet I didn't grow up to not appreciate every little thing you and dad did. If parenting is a video game, you got your initials on the high-score board.

Note 2: The picture from '86 looks odd because I cut my sister out. I was pretty sure that if I posted a picture of her when she was four, she would come to Colorado and kill me, painfully and slowly.

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