Title: Of Stubbornness and Courtships
shohai_mizukiPairing: Junseung (Junhyung/ Hyunseung), Dooseob, Kiwoon, others
Other Groups: Big Bang
Rating: PG-13
Summary: These days, courting seems as easy as counting 1, 2, 3. But not for a certain individual. Because, unfortunately for him, he falls for the secretive and stubborn Jang Hyunseung who has a
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I can't get through them all tonight but YIPPEE!!!!! *squishes you*
I've actually been looking out for this story hoping you would update. And it's still as wonderful as ever. I love that Junhyung is already so engraved into Hyunseung's mind that he can't help but think of him even first thing getting up in the morning hehe. How does his mother know??? Is she psychic?? lol however she knows I'm excited that she says she approves ;o)
I felt my heart sink along with Hyunseung's when Junhyung walked off the bus without him :( It just felt so so wrong for him to leave him behind like that...I get the feeling he was hurt by Hyunseung's lack of belief in his words...
Jiyong and Seunghyun are so right, and I love it, but poor Seungie is so confused. At least part of him is starting to admit to his true feelings ;o)
You don't know how much I spazz whenever you tell me my story is wonderful. ;w;
My heart hurt as well when I wrote that part. But admittedly, I'm more used to angst-y Junseung than not. *stabs self* Hahaha!
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