Gah, quit my job at Jack in the Box, have a new temp. job unloading Dex phone books... things have beem crazy.
On a happy note, I saw the best sci-fi movie ever made last friday. :)
Read about the wonders of it here on this review by Orson Scott Card. Shiny!
Anyway I have a MySpace page now of anyone cares. I posted a review of a really crappy movie I saw there, since I have nothing else to post without doing work on a sleep deprived mind, I'll post it here as well.
When Harry Met Sally...
Director: Rob Reiner
Year: 1989
Runtime: 96 minutes
Rating: R
Staring: Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan
Stars: Two
In 1989, director Rob Reiner released what as hailed by many to the best romantic comedy ever made, titled, “When Harry Met Sally…” But if course due to the predictability, staleness, and general lack of realism found in 99% of the genre, that’s not saying much.
I’ll start first with what I did like about the movie, the little it may be. Billy Crystal does an undeniably awesome as Harry Burns, being at both the same time the biggest jerk ever to be born and someone there’s just no why you can completely hate. I could not decide if I wanted to smack him upside the head with a baseball bat or feel sorry for him.
Meg Ryan also did a decent job as Sally Albright, but a couple of her lines sounded a little forced, not to mention I found her to get more and more annoying as the movie progressed.
Well, that’s about it for the good in the movie, not much more to mention besides a couple of witty lines by Billy Crystal, so enough with pretending to like this movie and on to the real review.
The movie opens at the University of Chicago in 1977 with Harry “saying goodbye” to his girlfriend. Yep, a little less the 3 minutes into the movie and Billy Crystal is already making out with someone, go figure. Now, if I was watching this on TV, now would be the point where I would change the channel and never flip it back, but sadly that was not the case.
Sally, (thank God) interrupts them, (I was praying she would run them both down with her car) and soon we find out that Harry’s girlfriend is Sally’s best friend and that Harry and Sally are going on a road trip together to New York, where they hope to start their lives, but (oddly enough) they have never met before, which makes no sense at all, you’d think Sally would have met her best friend’s boyfriend by now.
Anyway, during the trip, Harry starts filling Sally in on his male/female relationship philosophies, never mind the fact that most males would not want to start a conversation of that nature with a member of the opposite sex, unless of course you already knew them really well for a long time. But according to the movies opening, they had just met, so whatever, I guess sometimes you need an unrealistic script to properly indoctrinate (AKA: brainwash) the youth to your ideals.
Anyway, Harry basically says that a man can never be friends with a woman, because in the end all they won’t to do is have sex with them. It doesn’t matter if they are attractive or not (by society’s standards), because (according to Harry) “…you pretty much want to nail them too.”
Obviously, Harry and Sally can never be friends, not because men and woman can’t be friends, (that’s only true in Hollywood Land.) That is not it at all, the reason we know this is because:
1. This is a “romantic” comedy
2. The name of the movie is “When Harry met Sally…”
3. Since this got an “R” rating, we can safely assume that Harry will “nail” Sally.
4. They will end up together in the end, because it’s Hollywood for crying out load.
That sums up the whole plot of the movie in a nutshell. Really, you can predict the whole movie just by watching an ad for it. Remember how I was taking about predictability and staleness in the genre, this movie, as with most “chick flicks” fits that bill perfectly.
Anyway, the movie goes just where you’d expect, years latter after their little road trip, Harry and Sally meet up with each other again in New York and eventually become friends, and thus begins the only good part of the movie, it’s so rare to see any sort of healthy relationship between a male and female on screen, this portion was a rare treat, it was almost beautiful. Of course, from the four points I gave above you know they won’t let it last long, thus ruining everything in a true Hollywood fashion.
It all begins when Sally calls Harry and asks him to come over because she is upset over finding out that her ex-boyfriend was getting married. My heart fell to the pit of my stomach along with any hope I had left for this movie at the words “come over.” Anyone with half a brain knew what was going to happen next. So they sleep together, ruin their friendship, are awkward around each other for a bit, but then decide they really “love” each other and get married.
The End.
Wow, what a shocker, my humble apologies for spoiling such a twist ending for you. God knows you were never expecting that to happen.
So in closing, is it at least funny? No. I laughed maybe once or twice throughout the whole movie, but it’s a cut above the genre competition. So if you’re an idealistic young girl that still clings to romantic delusions about the nature of love, you’ll probably like this movie, you’ll probably even cry. Everyone else stay clear or you’ll be crying for a different reason.
- David Brian Jones