150+ Doujinshis for Sale!!! (for $ or... art?! OMG CLICK!)

Jun 16, 2006 17:19

Finally found a bit of time trying to post this! YAY! Doujinshi for sale! That's right, kiddies~ As I mentioned in my previous entries, I'm going to be moving again, so sadly, I've got to see these guys go ;_; I'm trying to sell off about 95% of my doujinshi collection! Even though I'd prefer to be paid in cash, if you've got no cash, there's an alternative!

If you are an artist, there's a chance that I can trade some of these babies for your art! *3* Yep, yep. I'm going to be pretty picky though, but that doesn't mean that I'll be super strict XD; Just look at the list below and if you see a doujinshi or two you're interested in trading your art with, fill out the form that I provided in there and we'll see!

*All doujinshis are in great conditions, unless otherwise noted under "TYPE"
*Because I have over 150 dj's, I don't have the time to count the pages, sorry! ;A;

But first, PLEASE, READ THROUGH THIS! Contact Options:
+ comment here
+ e-mail with subject "Interest in Yaoi Doujinshi Sale" to - shofuzaki@gmail.com [Best and most convenient way!]
+ PM with subject "Interest in Yaoi Doujinshi Sale" on - GaiaOnline.com to "shox2" or Y!Gallery.net to "shox2" Please, only use this if I have not respond to you w/i a week or so.

+ All currency in USD$
+ Discounts available for purchases more than $10 (of more than 1 djs) using CASH PAYMENT METHOD. Not valid for "Art Trade-Commission Payment" method, sorry.
+ Shipping will be done from Canada (my RL sister taremaro will handle the shipping, while I handle the orders).
+ Direct ALL questions to ME, not my sister. Thanks. :3
+ Doujinshis will be sent in padded envelopes or boxes (if they don't fit in envelopes)
+ Standard shipping method - air mail (w/o insurance). If you'd like other methods, please, let me know.
+ Shipping fee = [will be determined by state/province/country] + $1 shipping material
+ Shipping will done on Fridays and Saturdays only because of busy schedule ;3;

Payment Options:
+ Paypal (best method -- however, because of the fee, please use this paypal fee calculator to figure out the total. Keep the setting to be the way it is, and use the "Reverse PayPal Fee Calculator." If paying w/ paypal, funds MUST BE in USD$, sorry!
+ Postal Money Order -- if sending from U.S., please, use International Postal Money Order (the PINK one; not green)
+ Cash in Registered Mail (If you send cash in non-registered mail and it gets lost, I am NOT responsible for it!) If paying w/ this, funds can be in USD$ or CAN$ that's already converted to USD$ (please, use: http://www.xe.com/ for the conversion).
+ Art "commission" trade (please, read the rules below)

Art "commission" trade Rules
+ You'll still have to pay for shipping fee (but we can try working something out if this can be a problem for you)
+ I'm sorry, but I'll have to ask you to finish the piece BEFORE the doujinshi(s) of choice is(are) sent ;_; (I need some sort of proof that the art piece is done -- which, can be sent through e-mail or something with a watermarked and smaller version of the final piece ^^)
+ Please, have the watermarked version be big enough for me to see that the piece you do is the actual "commission" (400x400px size would be alright)
+ Please, show some sort of WIP within 2 weeks upon the time of the agreement to the "trade." (I'll be reserving the doujinshi(s) for you, so I need to know that you're serious).
+ Even though I generally don't mind waiting for the art piece, PLEASE finish the piece within 1 month after showing the WIP. If you need more time, we can discuss more on this. It's just that there may be people that are interested in the doujinshi(s) as well and I would like to get rid of the doujinshis as soon as I can.
+ Regular contacts or updates are necessary! Even though you have nothing to show, just try to contact me once every week or two weeks so I'll know you're still interested!
+ As a general rule: RL money > art (though this doesn't always happen! So ask away!)

The following is 2 different forms for "Cash Payment" (for payments using paypal/international postal money order/cash in registered mail) and "Art-Trade Commission Payment" (for payment using "art)
Please, try to use the correct form ^^;;;


+_+_+ CASH PAYMENT Order form: +_+_+
Please, fill this out for CASH PAYMENT ORDER ONLY and e-mail it directly to me! Thank you!

Payment method: [fill in either paypal, international postal money order, or cash in registered mail]
Name: [fill in your penname/lj name/real name]
Contact Info: [fill in your e-mail & lj name if you have]
Location Info: [please, include state/province/zipcode/postalcode]
Interested in the following doujinshi(s):
+++ Batch #:
[[ if interested more than one, just copy and paste and enter another one here :3 ]]
Subtotal: [fill in total for doujinshi only. I'll get back to you w/ the shipping]


+_+_+ ART-TRADE COMMISSION PAYMENT Order form: +_+_+
Please, fill this out for ART-TRADE COMMISSION PAYMENT ORDER ONLY and e-mail it directly to me! Thank you!

Name: [fill in your penname/lj name/real name]
Contact Info: [fill in your e-mail & lj name if you have]
Location Info: [please, include state/province/zipcode/postalcode]
How are you planning to pay for shipping? [paypal, international postal money order, cash in registered mail]
Interested in the following doujinshi(s):
+++ Batch #:
[[ if interested more than one, just copy and paste and enter another one here :3 ]]
Subtotal: [fill in total for doujinshi only. I'll get back to you w/ the shipping]
What type of "commission" are you willing to do for me? [sketch/lineart/CG/bust up/waist up/fullbody/etc.]
How much would you usually charge for this type of commission (if you do take commissions)? [please, be honest ;3;]
Samples: [I need at least 3 samples of the type of piece you want to offer]


*will be updated accordingly

Pictures in order of BATCH #s + order from the list above
(press STOP and press the arrows. These are squished, so some of them may look deformed x_x; If you want a bigger picture, let me know!)

Batch #1A + Batch #1B
Batch #2A + Batch #2B
Batch #3A + Batch #3B
Batch #4
Batch #5A + Batch #5B
Batch #6A + Batch #6B + Batch #6C + Batch #6D + Batch #6E
Batch #7
Batch #8A + Batch #8B
Batch #9A + Batch #9B
Batch #10A + Batch #10B + Batch #10C
Batch #11A + Batch #11B + Batch #11C
Batch #12A + Batch #12B + Batch #12C + Batch #12D + Batch #12E + Batch #12F + Batch #12G + Batch #12H + Batch #12I
Batch #13A + Batch #13B
Batch #14A + Batch #14B + Batch #14C

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