With all of the WoWing where there's always another carrot in front of you to nab, always spikier armor with more skulls to be earned, it's easy to forget that there are games out there that have a beginning, and blessedly, an end.
I've spent over two days of wall clock time playing through
Okami for the Wii, including going through most of the side quests, which incidentally approach human attainable. Yeah, I'm looking at YOU, FFX chocobo-races-where-you-finish-in-negative-time-by-collecting-bonus-balloons.
This is about as good as they come. Not Star Control 2 good, but still good. And maybe now I'll go back and finish Zelda. And then Wind Waker, if I can hire a Chinese Gold Farmer to do all the damned sailing for me.