Jan 10, 2011 21:45
Monday presented itself WAY earlier than anticipated..... couldn't get to sleep last night until darn near 2am. Woke up at 6:30am to start the first full-week in about a month. Ugh... The day went by SO fast and I got a lot done. Even managed to convince my math professor to let me into her class despite the major fuck up registration made. I enrolled November 15th for 10-credits. A math class and an Environmental Ethics course. Big-B sent off the tuition voucher and all was well. Turns out, the major d-bag who runs the "special accounts" tuition seemed to have "misplaced" my tuition voucher and dropped my two classes. Great. So, I go to log into school and... nothing... .nada... zilch...WTF?!? I raised some hell and got into one of the two classes. Still waiting to hear if the other will come through. If not, no biggie as trying to get 10-credits taken care of, on top of my PMP bar exam, is going to take an act of god.
I can't seem to slow down on the social stuff. Had vacation Mon & Tuesday last week, on Wednesday, went to the Redhook launch party for my favorite beer and hung out with Rick and then Saturday went to Alvey & Stephanie's for the Hawks game + Jay's karaoke shinding. Finally got to sleep in on Sunday and then Mr. Rockstar and I got our buns to the gym to get some activity, knowing that this weekend will be busy as well.
Watched the BCS game tonight with CB and Terry @ The Lodge. Great game. Glad Auburn won as I can't stand those d-bag Ducks. A lot of people thought the Pac-10 team deserved the win. Not me. The Ducks have horrible attitudes and bad sportsmanship. Plus, I'm a diehard Husky so of course I'm going to root for Auburn, by default.
Well - I think I'm gonna hit the hay. Running on 4-hours of sleep and fading fast... (the few Guinness' I had are aiding my way to dreamland faster than I can even imagine counting sheep)
Bon Soir