Highly Classified

Dec 13, 2007 18:48

Current War Report from North Ave. 902 apt A

Classfied: Class A

Operation: Final Stand

Civillian report:
Survivor rate: 0%
Death rate: 100%

Current death toll: 5 energy drinks, 7 cokes, 21 bottles of water,

Longest surviving time: 3 hours
Shortest Surviving time: 48 seconds

Most honorable death: 1 gulp
Most dishonorable death: crushed corpse/can

Expected casualty total: 6 energy drinks, 12 cokes, 25 bottles of water

Cost of war: ~30 dollars

Military action report
Starting time: Dec 8th, 0000 hours
Approximated ending time: Dec 14th 1200 hours

period one projected outcome of war: 5As
period two projected outcome of war: 3As and 2Bs
Chances of acheveing period one projected outcome: 23.3333 repeating % (?)
Chances of acheveing  period two projected outcome: ~70%

energy restoring period during the war: 20hours within starting time to approximated ending time
time used consuming energy: approximately 156 hours
compare to average 8/24 hours ratio: energy using is 260%

general morale: low
general motivation: low
general resources: low

End of report
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