Mar 02, 2006 21:49
well today was actually a very very great uberly amazing day. i talked to the 3 ppl i love the most. i hung out with 1 for like a gabagillion hours (yes cam i took ur word) and it was amazing. we played jumaji and i died like 25 tiems......cuz she wouldnt save me but i saved her for like most of the time. i played mario party 5 and its fun i just sucked at it. we had some good long talks that helped our friendship grow even more (if thats possible). there were 2 things missing from today but if they were in there, it would have been the best day of my life. even though in the entry b4 this i kinda didnt like that but i did too so hehehe. if u really wanna know the 2 things then ur gonna have to approach me sometime and pull me aside and ask in a very polite way. well......ttyl
-Shoeshank out