Jul 11, 2010 00:09
I guess I should start with Sam since he was a big part of my life then and still is somewhat now. We dated for three years.. from my sophomore year (September 16, 2006) to half way through my 5th year (November 18th, 2009) in college. I have loved and I still love this boy like crazy, even though my mom tells me that it wasn't love but crazy infatuation. Perhaps this is so. I am no expert in love but to me that was definitely love. I would do anything for him and I did.
We broke up a total of five times where four he dumped me and one I dumped him. The first time he broke up with me was before my 20th birthday. It was horrible like any other break up...I cried so much and somehow, I think, I manipulated him to get back together. And so we were together again for the next six months. This time I was the one who broke up with him. I broke up with him because for Ryan which is another story of its own.
Two days later after I broke with Sam, I begged him yet again to take me back and he did. We stayed together for another six months and he broke up with me again. I think it was October 2008 when that happened. For the same reasons as before... "I'm not ready for a serious commitment and I can't promise you that so I think it's better we break it off." We stayed broken up for a week before we got back together and I don't remember who asked who to come back at this point.
Three month after (January 2009) Sam and I broke up yet again..the fourth time. This break up was quite different than the other break ups. One difference was that I knew he was going to break up with. Sam had been distant for weeks so I guessed that at some point he would break up with me. Two when he broke up with me it hurt ten times more than all the other times. Three I made a vow to myself that no matter what happened I would not go back to him or talk him into coming back. And so because of this vow it seemed that this break up would be the last of it. Then Superbowl weekend came along and changed everything. Superbowl weekend was the first time since Sam and I broke up that we saw each other. I ended up flirting with someone at the party and Sam got extremely pissed off. He got so jealous and pissed off that he send my friend (who he didn't know that well) a facebook message about how a slut I was! The next day of course he apologized and began to call me. He called me and begged me to be with him; saying that things would be different this time since he realized he couldn't be without me. And that is when I broke my vow, which at the moment I deeply regret of breaking it. I went back to him yet again because I loved him and it hurt too much to be without him, even though by this point I was doing a great job at moving on.