Jun 20, 2005 23:57
so lets see, I'm lying in bed, with the noise from my ice machine cooling my leg. I have all the steri strips on it, those will fall off soon, cant wait to see whats under there, its pretty gross! Thank Gd I can shower normally and am done with the sponge bags and garbage backs around my leg and washing my hair in the sink. THat was quite interesting, but its just not the same clean as a normal shower. Anyway I'm getting around now on crutches hoepfully i can get rid of those ina few days as well. Its almost 2 weeks since hte surgery, June 8 was the day.
My mom is donig better finally brought her home after back surgery and 5 days in the hosptial. She kept fainting so she had to stay later than expected. She wasnt in a rush anyway since they could take better care of her than we could. I'm still not able to get around as easily and my brother is never home to do anything.
This week is still a recovery week but I'm slowly getting back to my routine. I ran soem errands on Saturday, actually slowly walked is more like it. I got caught in the rain, since i'm on crutches I couldnt carry the umbrella but i took too long inside i got soaked... then i dried of course, but it was annoying. I have a handicapped tag so at least i didnt have to go far. I hit 2 targets and 2 walmarts looking for the ipod adapter for the radio and i hit barnes and noble to get my book (sisterhood of the traveling pants) and return the sex and the city DVDs since i had 2 copies, one i bought and one as a gift.
i have an interview on thursday for the financial services company, that could be really good. I also have a doctors appt and I'm starting physical therapy on wednesday I'm sure that wont be pleasant but ive got to start somewhere. I am trying to get in touch witha guy from hillel in gainesville, that could be a really good opportunity as well. I turned down a job offer from state farm. Totally not a place for me I'd be the only white jew girl there plus the salary sucked. I can do so much better... At least i hope so!
I'm loving my new car, all i want to do is drive her, Milli has almost a thousand miles on her. Shes fantastic!! SHes a versatile little thing, every time i see another mini on teh road i flash my lights, its like a little club i feel like i'm a part of!!
Anyway, now its time for bed, I'm sure ill be up at the crack of dawn as the light blazes thru my blinds, i need some tinting or a black out shade. Its so incredibly annoying!