Jan 01, 2008 22:49
Before I plunge into work and all seriousness, can I just say that Dune rocks (despite it being a sand desert, hehe)! I have yet to finish the book but I'm almost at the tail end. It's like a grand science fiction soap opera. ;p
The recent New Year's family celebration was the most uneventful we've had. We didn't have any "fireworks", not even sparklers, because my brother had work at the call center on New Year's eve, and he's our fireworks supplier and igniter -- lighting up fountains, trompillos, and whatever you call those things that shoot up in the sky (they're not really rockets nor are they grand fireworks, but I forget what they're called). I, myself, wasn't in the mood to light up anything pyrotechnic ever since I acquired a phobia due to a couple of fires that happened a couple of years ago in the neighborhood. Sigh, New Year for me will never be the same. Or maybe I'm just getting too old for all that shebang. I hope next New Year's celebration will be a lot better. And I have to think of a way to make it better. :p
Damn, my sore throat has developed into a head cold and a semi-dry cough. But I won't let that stop me from greeting the new year with a renewed zest for life.
Okay, gotta dive into work and all seriousness.
new year,