Just watched Empires on the loonatic.tv thing. They are SO PRECIOUS. Needs moar shows. I know I'm entitled, but I just love them a lot and I haven't fail danced to them in over a month. I haven't gone that long between shows since...they started? Since the next show isn't until Oct 11.
I'm in that stretch like a cat filled with content right now. My school week is over! Free ice cream at coldstones tonight! NEW SURVIVOR! It'll be weird going in not knowing any of them. (oh fox, what have you done to me?
My credit card expired (9/08 seemed like so far away when I first got it!) and my mom sent me the new one they had mailed home and I was so DDDDDD: Until I found the part where she'd written "Love you! Mom". I'm so mom-dependent.
A. The Hypothetical AU Meme: Take any one of the fandoms you know I write in (or think I should), and give me a type of AU (space opera AU, pirate AU, superhero AU, Ancient Rome, etc). I will then explain what story from your chosen fandom I would write for your chosen type of AU. This can be narrowed down from just fandoms to specific bands or pairings. (If it's not bandom...it might be short, but I'll give it a shot)
B. Make a list of fifteen characters first, and keep it to yourself for the moment. (that way you're not leading the questions asked to fit the characters.)
2) ask your flist to post questions in the comments.
for example: 'one, nine and fifteen are chosen by a prophecy to save the world from four. do they succeed?'
'under what circumstances might five and seven fall in love?'
'which character on the list would you most want on your side in a zombie invasion?'
'write a drabble in which three and five fight crime.' (...possibly not technically a question.)
3) after your flist has asked enough questions, round them up and answer them using the fifteen characters you selected beforehand, then post them.