Proof is the idol that tortures the pure mathematician.
On another note, the integers are formed from equivalence classes of ordered pairs on the natural numbers.
Classes have been good. I'm a little burned out from school. I'm pretty much looking forward to summer and activities other than math. Like soccer and bikes. Maybe even going topless in the jeep... maybe even breathing fresh air.
So I have this math project. Basically we're constructing the natural numbers from
Peano's axioms. I won't go into detail, but it's quite cool. Well, this group project has turned out to be anything but a group project. I believe I've done every single proof so far, which is like 17 of them. One of my fellow partners is really smart, but she's graduating this year and has already been accepted to a graduate school in California, so she could care less about the class. She pretty much checks my proofs and then rewrites them in her neat hand writing. My other partner is a secondary education math major, who, I should say, has not done one single proof. He has not even written out some ideas of proofs, let alone discuss how some proofs should be done with the group. I don't get it. How can you be a math major and not like doing proofs or even math!? This boggles my mind. I know for a fact that this guy will be a horrible math teacher, that is if he even manages to graduate.
Math question of the day: Alright math patrol, 400 people are in a room, what's the probability that there exist at least 1 pair with the same birthday? Is it really that obvious? yes... yes it is.