Feb 14, 2007 23:10
changes changes changes
3rd time
was really looking forward to snow
but with the beauty of snow comes the danger of car accidents
it seems all to easy to get caught up in the human traits of life
and way to easy to believe that humanity is significant
but maybe we all our significant
that can apply to anything
humanity can be significant to itself
a person dies
and that person sends a shockwave of significants out toward their contacts
but to judge that we are the cream of the crop of creation
yea i totally lost my train of thought
brain train
billy blew up the crane
i dont know if what you believe in
if it's religious, scienctific or something you just like to call
it's a great thing to have beliefs
i admire everyone i meet who has some sort of belief
and as horrible as death is
theres still nothing that can beat
the beautiful memories that can be mended between too people
that actually make death a horrible experience
or even a spiritual expereience
maybe you believe in god
and you describe humanity as the only concious form of life on earth
but what really defines conciousness?
i dunno
i geuss im trying to say is that
would death be as horrible to a creature without conciouness?
would that animals friends if they understood that term
feel the horrible feelings that we feel when we lose someone?
well that is i mean if an animal is concious of it's sorrundings
i mean a squirrel understands the concept of a car heading straight for it
but does the squirrel thats watching it take place understand what will happen
to that squerrl in the road?
try ths
you close your eyes and you see nothing
so does that mean that nothing exist?
but it only exist in your mind?
it's as if your not apart of the world
but the world is apart of you
that the world has been developed in your mind
your understanding of heat \
means nothing to a person who cant feel
the smell of flowers means nothing to a person who cant smell
so then, does the smell of the flowers exist?
or does the understanding just exist in your mind that flowers give off a smell
i havent seen david in 4 or five years
and wont ever beable to again
but when i saw his mother today
it was if i was living back in my memories when he lived behind me
i dont think i've ever cried like that ever until today
and never want to do it again
i think i really just need to let myself ramble
im sorry if this takes up space on your page
but honestly
i dont give a fuck
if you've actually read all this bullshit
then post with a comment about your feelings on
cheddar cheese.