Jan 22, 2005 20:29
2day wernt tht bad, borin like bt ther was football in da morn n twas kool coz we wun.just. bt then i jsut came home 2 had my dinner n finally fixed my soundcar n speakers so my pc is in full workin order now.thank god.i can finally listen 2 music.n ive also ordered my mp3 player off ebay n it shud cum b4 i go 2 keswick so i wont b bored n i also ordered a subwoofer for my hifi thing in my bedroom n my guitar bt its cummin from america so p&p is like 20 quid bt shud b worth it coz twill sound mint.hopefully. n i got my mam shameless series 1 on dvd 4 her bday off ebay so she wont go mad at me bt neways ive still got maths homework 2 do n completly re do my work experience letter coz the place i wanted 2 go didnt like me.the lazy bums.but oh well i hopefully goin 2 sum accountacnt place in redcar now if they will actually let me.neways not much else 2 type so im just typing away...watch>>>>..........................................typing...... ther i typed oh now i got dirty little thing on by vr n the chrosu is so bloody mint n me learning fall to pieces on guitar bt i carnt even get abit ove it rite yet.oh well.im gona hire help.joe!!!! lol n an actually teacher thing bt yeh mint im goin 2 go listen 2 more ove slashs guitar solos now, n my gran thinks slash is a bad name n hates it wen i say it lol.but shalsh rules!!! newyas solos.bye.piss of every1.immagrants.faggots.niggers.police.small town white boys.all just fuck off.