Мертвое дерево

Dec 09, 2021 07:43

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Валопровод, главный упорный подшипник, дейдвудное устройство на линкоре "Нью-Джерси"

Принципиальная структурная схема дейдвудного устройства на ПЛА РБ "Этан Аллен"

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Замечание по уровню воздушного шума

As quiet as nuclear submarines may be in terms of noise radiated into the ocean, inside the engine room of one is a rather noisy place within which watch standers normally wear earplugs all the time.

По вибрации

Sorry, not a nuke bubble head, old flattop sailor but I could feel one of our shafts spinning.. It had a bit of a wobble that could be felt at higher rpms. As for hearing the ship.. You didn't really hear engine noise.. Just a faint hum. The ship has since been decommissioned.

валопровод, лодки, дейдвудное устройство, сальник, Вепрь, подшипник

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