Жизнь при развитом социализме

Jul 10, 2019 23:15

с той лишь разницей, что пили не в обед, а после работы

The time was just after lunch, and his boots crunched over thousands of bottle caps that glittered on the pavement, debris from the midday break when thousands of thirsty shipyard workers had crossed the road to reach the lines that stretched outside of bustling taverns. Bartenders had rows of shots and beers waiting, so a worker could pay for his drink, belt down the whiskey, grab a bottle of beer, and return to the rear of the line to do it all over again. Welders swore that the alcohol somehow cleared their lungs and nasal passages of the chemical stench of their trade and the Pfizer odor.


промышленность и лодки, история ОПК, живут же люди

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