Между тем, Барабанов из ЦАСТ (бмпд) осудил РФ,как провокатора выхода США из договора. Напомнив о великолепной ракете 9М729, которая дразнила американцев.
https://diana-mihailova.livejournal.com/2835137.html?thread=20602817#t20602817 Несколько дней собирался с мыслями о дальней крылатой ракете 9М729. Давайте просто рассуждать, а то много тут разговоров - как так в СПУ "Искандера" уместить 8-метровую ракету?!.
https://militaryrussia.livejournal.com/365927.html Что представляет собой крылатая ракета SSC-8 (9М729)?
http://www.aif.ru/society/army/chto_predstavlyaet_soboy_krylataya_raketa_ssc-8_9m729 «Новатор 9М729» - русская ракета, сломавшая хребет договору РСМД?
Дейв Маджумдар (Dave Majumdar)
https://inosmi.ru/military/20171210/240962820.html Я тоже читал Мажюмдара, а Андрей Белый настойчиво мне писал, что это записной дурачок.
Let's be clear, if nuclear weapons are used again against any peer to near-peer conflict, there will be nothing limited about their use. Everyone will use them or lose them. Any possible use of a nuke in a future war can be well met by ICBM, SLBM and yes - strategic air or lighter strike aircraft.
We do not need them again.
http://cdrsalamander.blogspot.com/2018/10/no-nukes-at-least-deployed-usn-tactical.html I rode the boats back when we had tactical nucs aboard. They came in two flavors. The MK 45 ASTOR and Subroc a rocket thrown nuclear depth charge. Even though there were four positions on the 4FZ (nuclear weapons alarm), we never carried more than two nucs in the torpedo room at any given time. When I asked the chief about it he stated: "Son you will never be on an attack boat that carries more than two nuclear weapons - we carry the second one in case the first one doesn't work."
http://cdrsalamander.blogspot.com/2018/10/no-nukes-at-least-deployed-usn-tactical.html#disqus_thread My excitement over the death of the treaty is the idea of a US version of DF21 forward deployed to PACOM and sold to our allies Japan, Australia, maybe even Poland. You think a chinese DF21 is scary if you are the short straw to be in port in say Tokyo consider the chinese admiral looking at the overlapping circles US versions forward deployed on land and sea would be.
Unfortunately, I can only upvote once.
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