Доктринальная ксерость

Aug 07, 2017 11:56

Не вдохновившись Баргузином

Instead, as I have noted in this column previously, it has wisely invested in domestic transport infrastructure, such as its colossal high-speed rail network. Still, it is true that the PLA Second Artillery is now bringing online a series of new systems that will reinforce “assured destruction.”

С 2015 подводники ракетоносцы южного флота приступили к длительному патрулированию


Американцы, такие американцы

If American SSNs are lurking off of Chinese submarine bases, then they may follow Chinese submarines as they egress from those ports. If a war erupts and they receive the order, [the U.S. submarines] can sink the [Chinese submarines]. That’s the standard American tactic.

Всё норовят своей ПРО прикрыться

He links the development of Beijing’s SSBN force together with Washington’s development of antiballistic missile (ABM) defenses.

Русские их избаловали северным направлением

that Soviet strategic submarines from an early point limited their patrols in the southern hemisphere, such that U.S. missile defenses have always been oriented toward the northern flank

А китайцы собираются не кисло дать по щщам

在南太平洋发射导弹, 就可以给美国反导系统造成不小的麻烦

Бастионы требуют привлечения значительных сил общего назначения в своё обеспечение

Yet he observes that the other side of this coin is that the Soviet approach require the use of a wide array of military forces that obviously are taken away from other missions.

Американский же путь требует передовых технологий скрытности

He describes the American approach as “deploying autonomously” (单独部署), but notes that the U.S. Navy model for SSBN operations depends on a high degree of stealth resulting from superior acoustic performance

География китайцам засидеться в бастионах не дает

Assessing the South China Sea, he says its depth is appropriate, but that sound propagation characteristics are not favorable to submarine stealth and “survivability” (生存) and that the sea area “cannot be sealed off” (不封闭)

Де британцы обсуждали, стоит ли свеч игра в непрерывное боевое патрулирование


А у китайцев проблем с ресурсами нет

American intelligence report revealing that four Type 094 SSBNs have been built already and a fifth is apparently in build

А вот воздушный штаб для этой армады, ещё только предстоит отксерить

that specialized aircraft are most likely being developed

Хотят догнать Горбачева с освоенной на БДР практикой несения ракетных боевых дежурств у пирсов

the imperative to develop the JL-3 SLBM with 12,000 km range that can “strike U.S. territory from China’s coastal waters and will [thus] vastly increase the flexibility of [Chinese] nuclear submarine deployments.


И авианосцы, то ли школьная парта, то ли бастионов защитники

Китайский путь, залить все бетоном

маринизм, доктринёрство, ВМС НОАК

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