Идея мистралестроения у британцев не прижилась
Ocean is 20 years old and suffering due to being a hybrid commercial build and a lot of hard use, she has done a great job over the years but was never built to be long lived. Building another of the same design for relatively cheap and having that capability for another 20 years wouldn't have been an awful idea.
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But yes, she has fully integrated electric propulsion. The brits are actually ahead of the US in that department. Ну и русским с американцами.
За шоу и недостаток финансирования (коммунистов) русских сильно отругали. Деньги на бассейн на лодках в 1970-х были, а на утилизацию после 1991 нет. Надувательство! Нечестно! Другое дело господа британцы
I was looking at this in more detail, and in my google perambulations I discovered that the black water waste from toilets is pumped at about 18 mph to the Membrane BioReactors. Gosh.
Интересно в какой остров прошили головы бить Калибрам, а в двух-четырех ракетном залпе...
It would be quite the shot for a single ASM to hit both Turbines, each turbine and it's associated Island can operate independently if required and if both turbines go down there are enough diesel generators to provide back up power.
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Американцы с Буша облетели на Ф-18
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