
Jun 02, 2017 01:06

Российский императорский флот


и безаналоговый


Часть II. Разное

- Where did you read that? Would love to take a look at that source.
- Random article about the movement weeks ago, I don't recall.

Цветной итальянский корвет Дриаде

Прыжки с атомной бомбы

Did one in the middle of the Atlantic coming back from a Med Run. We had a rubber tile banging around so we surfaced to have a diver go and cut it off. The sea was dead calm so we had a swim call in about 20,000 feet of water.

Частые прыжки

I'd say in 8 years on 2 boats I did it about 10 times.

О частоте обсуждения, что взять с собой в подводный поход, можно сделать некоторые выводы

Хитрый план быть хитрым

We allow them to "kill the carrier" because we are really figuring out how they do it. So.... in case Sweden decides to go all viking again we would know how to deal with them.

Topside Ninja Watch. USS Hampton ICEX 2014

ВМФ, пара и стали, rddt, лодки, ВМС

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