Why does this Russian foxtrot sub have Windows?

Apr 01, 2017 10:46

- потому что у них была лучшая операционная система!..

и хакеры

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Reactor guys (nuc mechanics and electricians) would enter the reactor compartment every now & then for preventative maintenance of some kind. Each time it would require explicit CO and XO approval & was monitored by the Reactor Officer or some other officer on board. You go in, do whatever it is you do & gtfo. Maybe ours was more of a strict scenario (which I don't think it was at all...) but there would never be a time to take a pic of someone inside the RC doing anything, let alone that many people inside the RC for any reason. I think 3 at a time or something was max.
It's a cool picture though :) Not often you get to see any workings of a nuc plant, civilian or otherwise.

As an ex sub sailor, I've always been a little skeptical about these pics. Definitely not rigged for sea (loose weights, chairs, etc.). The pool has me concerned, too. What happens to the water in it during hard maneuvering? It almost has to be pumped into a separate tank to rig for sea. There's enough water there that it can't just be left to slosh around.
Plus it all seems like a waste of some of the most expensive space this side of the International Space Station. We did in excess of three months continuous submerged operation on my boat in the same time frame as when these things were operational.
We created space for exercise back in shaft alley. Space for relaxation was the mess deck, the corpsman's office outside the mess deck (if not in use for other things), your rack, or the small space outside Machinery Two where the laundry was. A freaking sauna? Go back to engine room upper level and lay on the deck outboard the turbine generators if you want sweat.
Not saying these things aren't exactly the way they appear. Those boats had eight or nine times or so the displacement of mine. but I am kind of from Missouri on this one.

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Just seems to be blabbering and fueled up on anti Russian propaganda

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Yes at each other. That is what we're training to do. The weapons are inert, having no warhead, and the sensor suite is programed to aim for the surface well before the weapon hits. Yes they do fail sometimes, and yes the noise as it destroys itself against the hull is loud, but the forward half of the practice rounds are designed for this too. And finally, the practice shots are rebuild, and after they are fired a set amount of times do they grow up to be warshots. That way they're tested before we need to fire them in anger.

So you've done it? I spent 6 years in the sub force and all 3 of my boats never fired a shot at another boat. We fired test shots for sea trials and whatnot but any never at another boat. That's all I'm trying to say. If you did and you were in the US sub service then Ok, carry on.

Usually practice shots were done during TRE. This was 99-03

Commonly yes, but like I said, I was never on a boat that specifically had a firing solution on another boat and fired a dummy at it. I was only wondering if anyone has. The second part of that question seems to be eluding most people here and instead of direct answers I am getting barraged with down votes. Ffs I knew us bubble heads were assholes but gd. Thank you for your reply. 87 - 93

I may be missing your point, but I'm curious - how do you think subs kill other subs? Hunter-killer subs like these stalk the SSNs and SSBNs of the other side - with the intention of torpedoing them. This exercise allowed each team to track a live target, that simulated a real enemy, as opposed to a stationary or dumb practice target. With inert heads, (and, I'm guessing, range calculations that meant most kinetic energy was expended before impact) the chance of damage is very low - and the value of the training is very high. These hulls are designed to withstand the pressures of incredible depths.

That's not the point. Do you understand all the variables? Have you ever been involved with war games? Can you speak from experience? I think this is a fair question. You see, we used to practice in simulators. We'd simulate tactics and strategies against a computer and put a simulation ship into real wartime recorded battles. The helmsman, planesmen, sonar, fire control, and officers would be put into a giant room that would have exactly the same controls and reactions a sub would have. This was way back in the early 90s. Now, 20+ years later, you're telling me that we've actually moved backwards and are shooting at each other? Do the SSBN'S launch Ballistic missiles at locations in the US for target practice?



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