С Праздником камераден!

Mar 19, 2017 18:52

Российские читатели считают подводные "Тополя" ущербней наземных, автомобильных и даже железнодорожных. Вполне вероятно, что с экономической точки зрения так и есть, и будущее незавидно. Проще выкатить Тополь-М на пирс чем океанский флоот содержать, тут сомнения нет.

Хотя вот американские русские эксперты считают покамест не всё так однозначно

It is quite remarkable that these submarines are still in service--K-433 Sv. Georgiy Pobedonosets was accepted for service 1980, so it is 36 years old. Even accounting for the fact that she spent most of its service life at a pier, she is an old submarine. The R-29R missiles are getting old too, of course, but they are probably replaced regularly. The Soviet Union produced a lot of SLBMs, so Russia will not run out of missiles for quite some time. We know that there were 4.3 missiles produced for each R-29R launcher, so at some point Russia had almost 1000 missiles of this type. Even though several hundred were probably expended in flight tests over the years, it should be possible to find enough missiles to put on the three Project 667BDR submarines that still remain in service. And they seem to be in good shape - K-223 Podolsk launched its R-29R missile during the exercise in October 2015.

Delta III submarines will probably retire after new Project 955 Borey submarines take their place in the Pacific. But there are plans to keep at least some old submarines in service -- Ryazan has been undergoing overhaul and will return to the fleet in some capacity.


One of the three remaining Project 667BDR submarines, Ryazan, has returned to its base in Vilyuchinsk after an overhaul at the Zvezda plant in Vladivostok.


Но, мы не такие "богатые" как американцы

If I was a country like China, I would buy a lot of diesels because I know you’re going to come and fight me here at home. We have to deploy, and the only way to deploy is to bring your own fuel with you. When we buy a Virginia, it comes with a lifetime of fuel. So I have nothing against diesel submarines, but you have to say, am I’m going to be fighting within 200 miles of where I’m based at? Or else now I have to buy extra oilers. I’m going to make them vulnerable when I refuel them; they’re going to have to snorkel and they’ll become vulnerable. It’s just not an option for us as long as we have to be a global navy.

когдта на одну атомную ПЛАРК, они пять дизельных лодок могут купить.

955 первый "Борей"

ДЭПЛ пр. 877 "Комсомольск-на-Амуре", пульт "Пирит-М"

С Праздником!

ядерный паритет, war is boring, лодки, морской, военный осведомитель

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